With our iOS app called exBrowser, you can use your iPad or iPhone to do dual display-like things. iOS devices can be connected to an external display with a Lighting-HDMI adapter or AirPlay, but basically It’s mirroring, so you only see the same screen. We started developing this app so that you can work with your iPad while showing documents, web pages, etc. on an external display.
basic usage
The following video shows that the external display can show a different screen than the iPad display. Moreover, since ver.2, you can also split the screen.
live drawing
Here is a video of a live drawing demo. I don’t have a lot of money, so this is a doodle video by an app developer…
exBrowser has become a unique application that can utilize an external display. It is a paid app, but I think it can improve the efficiency of your work using iPad and iPhone, so it should be worth more than the price. I will continue to update the app and make it more useful.
The AppStore link is below. If you are interested, I hope you will purchase it.
Thank you for reading! :-D